17 articles
Job DefinitionsCreating job type tags and leveraging them in different contexts
What is a job?
Change the machine allocated for a jobAssigning a different machine to a job
Job queueManaging a separate Job Queue for each machine
Job Life Cycle TreeInteractive diagram of a job's life cycle
Question: Why would one ERP job be broken into multiple jobs by Matics?
Minimum threshold for job completion
Marking jobs as completeChange job status to completed
Indication for jobs in productionActive jobs
Transferring incomplete jobs from one machine to anotherJob transfer
Creating a custom table default for othersPersonalizing system tables and applying these definitions to selected groups and users
Personalize tablesCustomize your tables to view them according to your preference.
Job StatusDescribes the possible statuses a job can be in
Activate a jobActivating jobs and removing active jobs from machines
Organizing job informationJobs
Separate Recipe Approval from Job ReleaseApply a workflow that requires first approving the recipe and only then releasing the job