Personalize tables

Customize your tables to view them according to your preference.

Danna avatar
Written by Danna
Updated over a week ago

Customize your tables to view them according to your preference. For each table, changes you make will be saved and reloaded automatically whenever you return to the same table.

Adjust columns

Hide / display columns

Click the table menu button found in the top-right corner:

In the menu, you will see the list of all category titles available for display:

Click a title to mark it with an X to hide it.

Click a title to mark it with a checkmark to display it.

Reorder columns

Drag and drop columns by their title to rearrange them.
Place the cursor on the column title. It will change to a hand symbol. Click the column to capture it and move it left or right to reposition it.

Adjust column width

Place the cursor on the column border. It will change to the adjust width action.

Alternatively, double-click the border and the column will adjust to its full width.

Hide a column

Click the arrow of the column title to open the column menu, and choose "Hide Column".

Restore all hidden columns

Click the clear button above the table to open its menu, and choose

"Restore Hidden Columns".

Animated GIF that shows how to adjust column width, rearrange column order and hide columns.


Filter a column

Enter an alphanumeric string (letters, numbers or a combination of both) into the white box below the title.

You can filter multiple columns. The order is not significant.

At the bottom of the table, you will see the total number of items returned by the filter/s.

Clear one filter

Click the arrow of the column title to open the column menu, and choose "Clear filter".

Clear all filters from all columns

Click the clear button above the table to open its menu, and choose "Clear All Filters".

animated GIF that shows an  example for alphabetic filtering and sorting the table


Quick sort a single column

Click the column title to sort it.
Click again to reverse the sorting

Click a third time to undo sorting and return to the default.

An arrow near the title will appear to indicate whether the column is sorted in ascending or descending order.

Sort multiple columns

Click the arrow of the column title to open the column menu, and choose either "Sort Ascending" or "Sort Descending".

The order is significant.

A number will appear near the sorting arrow to indicate the order in which the columns are being sorted. In the example below, records are first sorted by status, then by Local ID and then by Mold Name.

Restore default sorting

Click the clear button above the table to open its menu, and choose

"Restore Default Sorting".


Select line/s

Select the check box on the far-left to select a line.

You can select multiple lines.

Selected lines are highlighted with a shaded background and marked with a checkmark.

Run calculations

Count the rows

Click the arrow of the column title to open the column menu, and choose "Count".

The total number of rows is presented at the bottom of the column.

If you apply filters, the system will recalculate the total count.

If you select items, the system will recalculate the total number of rows selected.


Click the arrow of the column title to open the column menu, and choose "Sum".

The system will calculate the subtotal for the column.

If you apply filters, the system will recalculate the subtotal. Only the visible rows returned by the filter/s will be taken into account.

If you select items, the system will recalculate the subtotal. Only the selected rows will be taken into account.

Min / Max

Click the arrow of the column title to open the column menu, and choose either "Min" or "Max".

The system will return the minimum value or maximum value from that column's values per your choice.

If you apply filters, the system will recalculate the value. Only the visible rows returned by the filter/s will be taken into account.

If you select items, the system will recalculate the value to include only the selected rows in the calculation.


Click the arrow of the column title to open the column menu, and choose "Average".

The system will calculate the column's average.

If you apply filters, the system will recalculate the average. Only the visible rows returned by the filter/s will be taken into account.

If you select items, the system will recalculate the average the system will recalculate the value to include only the selected rows in the calculation.

Export data to PDF or Excel

Export all data

Click the Export button above the table to open its menu, and choose "Export all data as [PDF | Excel]". The system will export the data for the default table.

It will not take into account your table customizations.

Export data for filtered rows

Click the Export button above the table to open its menu, and choose "Export visible data as [PDF | Excel]".

The system will export the data for the rows returned by your filters.

Export data for selected rows

Click the Export button above the table to open its menu, and choose "Export all data as [PDF | Excel]".

The system will export the data for the selected rows.

Restore defaults

To return the table to its defaults, use clear button above the table to open its menu, and choose from the available options:

  • Clear All Filters

  • Restore Default Sorting

  • Restore Defaults

  • Restore Hidden Columns

Note: your table defaults may be changed by other users with special permissions.

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