Version 2.60

Release notes for version 2.6, released July 11th 2021

Danna avatar
Written by Danna
Updated over a week ago


The improvements detailed below implement a holistic approach to maintenance flows in which mobile apps also play a part. They focus on making it even easier to open and reassign service calls, as well as binding them to stop events. Taking this one step forward, opening service calls based on stop events can now be automated through rules. And to provide informative closure, the reporting functionality of closing service calls was also supplemented in this version.

Service call improvements

Managing service calls

  • Reassigning service calls for machines is now available in the Department view > Online dashboard.

  • The Maintenance section in the Manager app was reorganized to present in addition to the signed-in user's service calls, all service calls opened for the site. The user can reassign and manage service calls in this new tab, if these permissions were enabled (new permission 'Manage service calls' was added to the Manager app Permissions in Step #4 - Define Users & Groups).

Service call summary reports

  • Short descriptions can now be entered when opening a service call. These descriptions provide technicians and managers with more context of why the service call was opened. This was previously available only in the Operator app.

  • Service summaries can now be entered and supporting files attached when closing service calls.

  • The Service Calls Report reflects the additional data that can now be added to service calls and edited. Two new tabs Files and History were added to the Service Calls Report > Service Call form. Add and edit attachments related to the service call record in the Files tab. Track the evolution of the service call, from its initialization, via reassignments, up to its conclusion in the History tab.

Service calls from stop events

  • Open service calls directly from a stop event, wherever you are in the system. This automatically binds the context of the service call together--the stop event reason, time, duration etc. (Previously available only in the Operator app.)

Bug fixes

  • Functional visual improvements were made in the Operator app's service-call related windows, for example, the keyboard no longer obscures the Send control when opening a new call.


  • A new rule template was added based on stop events. You can now automate the creation of service calls to technicians when stop events are reported, as well as create tasks and notifications based on stop events.


New insights

  • [KPIs] KPI analysis - 237: consolidated KPI analysis for OEE KPIs, per common categories (machine, product, worker, shift type, shift, day, week or month). It combines a heat map for identifying problematic performance with the option of drilling down to examine the cell's associated JoSh. Clicking the cell opens Performance insight 195 with complete details of the job and shift.

  • [Performance] Production quantities analysis - 239: for segmentation of the units (totals, good units, units reported OK, rejects, unreported rejects) per different categories (machine, product, worker, shift type, shift, day, week or month). Clicking a cell opens Performance insight 195 with complete details of the job and shift for more context.

  • [Time distribution] Avg. shift changeover (min.) - by machine - 240: presents the average duration of shift changeovers for each machine. The calculation is based on the time the last cycle was produced in the preceding shift and the time the first cycle was produced in the following shift. You can examine this indicator per day, week, month, shift, and shift type.

  • New insight category called 'QC' was added for grouping insights related to quality inspections.

  • [QC] Number of tests by machine/mold/product - 235: presents how many tests passed successfully and how many tests failed during the specified period for molds, products and machines.

  • [QC] Distribution of failed fields - 236: examines nonconformity trends. For each tested field/parameter you get the count of tests it failed within the selected period. You can also examine this per mold, machine, product etc.

Insights improvements

General improvements

  • Insights now include a full screen mode (TV view) for maximizing the display of their infographics.

  • Insights that previously had an option of examining insight output by either top (highest) or bottom (lowest) values, were enhanced to provide both options--'Top' and 'Bottom'--as well as 'All' for all data values. For example, insights 151 and 116.

  • Duplicating an insight now includes the settings you applied to it before duplicating.

  • Analyzing event data using the Distribution type field now provides a new option: 'Average Event Duration'. Its calculation is based on dividing the total event duration by the count of this event. (It's available for insights that examine stop events -- 116, 117, 120 [f], 121 [f], 123, 134, 135, 139 [f], 224).

Insight-specific improvements

  • [Performance] Units produced by machine - by period - 225, Units produced by product - by period - 226, & Units produced by worker - by period - 227: now include a new customization setting for choosing between displaying the count of produced units and the percentage of produced units ( = produced units divided by the target value). Additionally, a few tweaks were made to how the numbers are presented, such as adding separating commas and decimal values.

  • [Performance] Actual vs. Standard rate - by product - 23 now includes the option of analyzing data by average cycles per minute and by average cycles per hour (in addition to the existing analyses of cycle time, average units per minute, and average units per hour).

  • Insights 205, 206 and 234, which are PE waterfall insights, now include information on good units and theoretical units in the infographics' hover-over tooltips.

  • Insights 19, 21, 182 that examine rejects, now offer another distribution type: 'PPM' (parts per million).

More insight filters

  • The general filter menu's Advanced Filters section now includes two new filters: 'Minimum Active Time' and 'Minimum Units Produced', for fine-tuning the filtering and precise analytics.

Insights - bug fix

  • Various issues related to exporting insights to files, such as overlapping text and missing headings were fixed.

Stop Events

  • Split events retroactively for accurate fine-tuning of logged stop events' reported reasons. This control was added both to the machine's Events tab and to the Reporting Stop events page.

  • Enter free-text descriptions when reporting stop events, for adding context to the reported event reason. If the new Allow free text in stop event reporting check box is enabled for the machine type, adding free-text to stop events will also be available in the Op app.


Shift page

Shift page usability improvements

  • Shift components now include a full screen mode (TV view) for maximizing the display of the component's infographics.

  • Duplicating a shift component now includes the settings you applied to it before duplicating.

  • The shift selection menu was updated. Instead of shifts in the last 24 hours, you now have an option of 'Yesterday' for all yesterday's shifts (all shifts that started from midnight of yesterday until midnight of today).

Shift page - component improvements

  • The Aggregated Machines Performance component that could alternate between a radial graph infographic to a detailed table was split to two dedicated components: Aggregated Machine Performance and Machine Performance -Table View. The latter was improved visually and includes two more parameters: 'Units Reported OK' and 'Weight of rejects (g)'.

  • The Machine Load component that could alternate between a heat-map ('load') infographic of units produced to a heat-map infographic of machine availability PE was split to two dedicated components: Units Per Hour - By Machine and Availability PE Per Hour - By Machine, and some visual improvements were made.

  • The Top stop events component now includes in its settings menu the Top field for focusing on the top [n] event reasons / event groups. Also added was the option to further narrow the focus by choosing specific event reasons / event groups.

Online dashboards

Online dashboards - functional improvements

  • New action called Fix Units Produced adjusts the count of units (good units) produced for a specific job.

  • Quick access to reporting stop events from the Online department view machine tiles: When there's a stop, the field Event type will be displayed in the top area of the tile, and is by default populated with the value 'Unreported Stop'. This text is hyperlinked, so clicking it--or clicking the new register icon near it--opens the Stop events dialog for easily reporting the event in real time.

  • Service call improvements mentioned above (reassigning, free-text descriptions & summary reports) apply to the Online dashboard as well.

Online dashboards - visual improvements

  • Better control of dashboards' visual appearance is through the following new controls:

    • Font size

    • Referenced standard's value position (keep on same line, or break to new line line)

    • Another scale option (x3) was added to the existing 5 scaling options in the All Machines Online and Production Progress dashboards

Online dashboards - bug fix

  • The issue in which the product image was not displayed in department view machines' tiles when using the TV view was fixed.

General improvements

  • The UI throughout the app now uses a responsive table format that auto-adjusts the column widths to present columns' heading text in full.

  • When setting up machines, there's now an option to copy parameters from one machine to another: either to selected machines, or to all machines of the same type.

  • Automatically Split Job On Units In Cycle Change was added at the machine level (Step #5 - Define Machine Types > target machine) for splitting jobs automatically when changing the actual value of Units In Cycle. Splitting the job binds the timestamp of when this change occurred.

  • In the Machine page, the custom date range was replaced with a custom date picker to retrieve with less clicks and improved reliability, machine data for a specific day.

  • Targets Management was added to the main menu for quickly accessing targets settings. It conveniently opens as a pop-up window on top of the current page you're using.

  • Streamlined labeling. The number of units now automatically adjusts per the selected Package Type, thus preventing human errors. Successive label printing is automatically applied per the value set for the Number of batches field.

  • Color coding was added to the Package Types configuration options, for another distinguishing cue that helps operators choose the correct package type.

  • An Active field was added to the Mold form for deactivating molds.

Manager app

  • View production progress as a bar chart with the theoretical units presented in a line graph on top of the bar chart. This view is in addition to the existing percentage circle graphs and progress line views.

  • New Insights and many improvements to existing insights.

  • Manage service calls through a new tab in the Maintenance section that presents all the site's open service calls.

Operator app

Shift manager dashboard

  • Tests Report was added to the Quality Test options. This report presents the tests run in the last 24 hours on those machines the signed-in user has access permissions to.

Machine/production line dashboard

  • An Activate Job widget was added in a prominent top-corner location to facilitate job activation. (Available if the new Fast Job Activation Widget check box is enabled for the machine type in the Web app.)

  • Free-text descriptions can now be added to stop events if the new Allow free text in stop event reporting check box is enabled for the machine type in the Web app.

  • New job action called Fix Units Produced adjusts the count of units (good units) produced for a specific job.

  • Streamlined labeling. The number of units now automatically adjusts per the selected Package Type thus preventing human errors. Successive label printing is automatically applied per the value set for the new Number of batches field.

  • Package types will now be color coded if thus configured in the Web app.

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