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Version 2.51

Release notes for version 2.51 released 11 April 2021

Updated over 3 years ago

Integration of conversational platform

Matics Web and the Matics Manager app now implement chatbots for a seamless Help experience (the orange circle at the bottom of each page). You can send us questions, feature requests, suggestions for improvement and report issues you’ve encountered.
Knowledgebase articles are now accessed from the chatbot as well.


Shift page

Aggregated Machines Performance component improvements

  • Added parameters to table view settings, such as Shift Name, Worker Name, Duration, Standard Cycle Time, Unit/min, Unit/h, Job Notes.

  • Machine performance data can now be aggregated per worker.

  • You can now expand or collapse all table rows through a single control.

  • Machines in non-production status are now indicated with the gray color convention.

  • The machine name is now a hyperlink that opens the machine’s page.

  • Job identifiers (visible when expanding table rows) are now hyperlinks that open the job page.

  • The set KPI targets are now presented in parentheses in the table cells.

For more information, see Aggregated Machines Performance.

New KPI components

The Shift page now includes two more components:

  • KPIs by Machines for real-time comparisons between machines' KPIs.

  • KPIs by Shifts for real-time comparisons between the current shift's KPIs and previous shifts' KPIs. (Real-time comparisons between a specific machine's KPIs for this shift and preceding shifts can be done by applying filtering.)

Bug fix

The issue in which filters applied at either the component level (local filtering), or to the entire Shift page (global filtering) were not retained when selecting a different shift to view, or when alternating between the system’s pages, was fixed.

Insights page

New insights

  • [KPIs] KPIs by period - 230: provides insights on all KPIs in a single infographic for comparing average KPIs for a specified period and breakdown (shift, shift type, day, week, etc.)

  • [KPIs] KPIs by machine - 231: provides insights on all KPIs in a single infographic for comparing between machines’ average KPIs per a specific period.

Waterfall insights additions & improvements

  • [Time distribution] PE waterfall - by machine - 234: new insight that provides insights on production time losses for specific machines.

  • [Time distribution] PE waterfall - by period - 206: this existing insight now includes in addition to the line display a bar chart mode and a table mode.

Insights' new period setting

Insights that make use of the Period setting, now offer the option of choosing 'Shift Type'. This is useful for insight analysis based on the shift types configured in your system, for example morning, afternoon and night shifts.

More insight filters

  • The Machines > Group by list now has the option of grouping by 'Machine Type'.

  • The Advanced Filters section now includes: 'Product Group', 'Mold Group' and 'Customer' filters.

Tasks filtering

  • Custom filters: Chosen filtering criteria can now be saved for future re-use as a named filter. This makes viewing and managing tasks much more efficient.

  • Improvement in the way the filtering functionality is displayed, it now fits within the page width.

Applying Gantt plans

Production plans designed in the Gantt module are now easily applied to the relevant job forms at a click of a button. The planned start time and end time of jobs included in the plan flow to the respective job forms and auto-populate them.

Online dashboards

  • In the All Machines > Online dashboard, 'customer' was added to the options you can choose for displaying what the machine is working on.

  • In the Department view > Online dashboard you now have the option of choosing to display on what the machine is working on from a list.

  • New layouts were added to the Machine Display options. You can now present up to 6 parameters in the body cells of these Online dashboard cubes for a machine.

  • Production standards specified in the job recipe are now presented in parentheses within each cube's corresponding parameter cell.

  • Bugs that impacted visual aspects of the UI were fixed.

Reporting stop events

  • Real-time reporting of stop events is now available in the machine's action menu (Department view > Online) and from the machine's page Events tab.

  • A new Reporting Stop events page was added to the Production module for reporting and updating event reasons from the last 24 hours to multiple machines simultaneously.

For more information, see Reporting Stop Events.

General improvements

  • The date and time format can now be customized to your site’s preference. Contact Support for changing the existing setting.

  • Customizing performance indicators is now done in the KPIs Customization page.

  • New permissions: Controlling departments’ visibility and available functionality in the Operator app is now available through a new settings page in the Web app. You can now determine whether the 'Quality Test', 'Operator Login' and 'Change Production Status' controls are visible and select which departments and machines are visible as well (Settings > Tablet Screens Customization > Shift manager dashboard).

  • To increase accuracy of production planning times, Calendar events now include the option of automatically activating a downtime production status when the event terminates.


  • Versioning - to enforce versioning, configured tests that have been in use at least once cannot be edited. Existing tests can be duplicated and saved with a new version identifier. This aligns with stringent quality control.

  • Permissions - a general user-group management option (Allowed to update QC tests) was added to control who can make changes to QC tests.

  • Exporting and sharing - results of executed tests (the test form with the test results) can now be exported to a PDF file.

  • Tracking NC - test reports now list the names of fields in the test form that failed the test (new Failed Test Fields column).

  • Test groups - there is now an option to define quality test group names. These groups can then be assigned to configured quality tests for grouping and filtering purposes.


The new Rules module has further developed and has expanded its rule definitions:

  • Notifications - you can now create rules for sending free-text notifications to specific users or user groups at specific intervals.

  • Messages - you can now create rules for sending messages to selected departments' machines at specific intervals.

Managing rules is now possible through the added Edit rule and Delete actions.

Manager app

Shift Report

The Machines Hourly Performance component was added, which uses a combination of a bar chart to indicate the count of produced units per hour and a line graph to indicate the theoretical target, so you can quickly see how well the machine is performing compared to this target. This information is available both in the context of all a department's machines, as well as in the context of a specific, selected machine.

Production Progress

The settings menu now provides an option of viewing production progress based on planning calculations. This enables checking whether production progress is going according to plan. Planning information can be input manually, from external interfaces or from the Gantt.

New insights

Insights added to the Web app are also available in the Manager app.

Operator app

Shift manager dashboard

You can now configure in the Web app per user groups, which departments and machines will be displayed in the Operator app. You can also configure which actions will be available for use in the shift manager dashboard: running quality tests, operator login to multiple selected machines, and changing production status of multiple selected machines.

Main dashboard

  • Three new widgets can be added to the machine dashboard:
    - Stop / Start for manual logging of the machine’s state, working or not working. This widget can increase reporting accuracy in manual work stations. Another possible use case is during the interim period in which automated work stations are not yet connected to the controller.
    - Report Production & Order QC Test these actions have so far been available through the Job Actions menu, and are now available as main dashboard widgets. If these actions are frequently used in your production floor, it is highly recommended to add them to the main dashboard for convenient access.

  • There is now an option to enforce operators to sign in with their Operator ID in order to work with the app.

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