Units Per Hour - By Machine

Department view Shift component

Danna avatar
Written by Danna
Updated over a week ago

Why use it?

This component presents as a heat-map infographic the hourly count of actual produced units (good units + rejects), as well as the number of expected theoretical units for that machine. The resulting computed performance percentage is visible in each cell's tooltip when you hover over the cell.

The final row in the table presents the total count of good units produced. Since rejects may be logged afterwards, the hourly count cannot reflect this information, therefore the Total is an important efficiency indicator.

When using this component in the context of a production line, you can easily monitor which machines are negatively impacting the production line with rejects & rework and promptly investigate the issues. (You can infer there was rework when the count of units produced increases after rejects are counted.)

When using this component to compare between independent machines, you can easily pinpoint machines with problematic performance and the hour in which this occurred.

Theoretical Units is the number of units the machine should produce per hour based on its theoretical target for the shift duration.

Theoretical target is the multiplication of the standard production rate (Cycle Time Standard - specified in the product's recipe) with the PE target set for the department.


In the settings choose whether the target is shown in the table (in parentheses) or not, and whether units produced are indicated in percentages or the count of units value.

walkthrough of setting options in the Units Per Hour - By Machine component

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