Aggregated Machines Performance

Department view Shift component

Written by Noam Morchy
Updated over a week ago

Which machines are lowering your production goals? What's the reason — availability? efficiency? These are common questions you’ll get answers to through this dashboard component.

Use this component to view the aggregated performance of machines (good units produced) compared with their theoretical target (multiplication of the standard production rate with the production efficiency target). The component is also useful for analyzing the causes of decreased performance, which support immediate insights and actions.


The performance indicators' colors of this component can be customized.

The radial infographic compares machines' performance indicators throughout the shift using a fixed parameter of production progress, which is shown in the center, and up to 4 other parameters of your choice. The default parameters set for this graph are: Reported Events duration (%), Availability PE, Cycle Time Efficiency and PE.

The comparison can be for individual machines, for production lines and workers.

If the department includes both a production line and standalone machines, choosing Line will generate two infographics: one for the line and one for all the standalone machines, not part of the line.

Grouping by worker is a specific use case in which an operator is in charge of multiple machines and when it makes sense to monitor performance efficiency by that common denominator.

example aggregated machines performance infographic

Use the Settings menu to change and remove parameters.

Settings menu in component

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