Production Progress

Viewing production progress from different angles

Danna avatar
Written by Danna
Updated over a week ago

What's it for?

Production progress is a very important metric and there are various ways to view it throughout the system.
The emphasis of this page is viewing your planning vs. actual/expected performance. It does so by providing production progress calculations for:

  • Online data per josh, job, and shift -- the production progress both for the current point in time and production progress expected by the end of the shift.

  • Detailed job-based planning data from the Gantt. The data can be transformed to the actual production progress for current production, past production, or future expected production.
    When you choose an extended period such as a week (or longer), it results in an integrated calculation that combines production of dates that have passed, current production and the expected production by the end of the period.

  • Quantity targets. Target quantity planning converts here to the actual production progress for current production quantities, past production quantities, or future expected production quantities.
    When you choose an extended period such as a week (or longer), it results in an integrated calculation that combines production data of dates that have passed, current production progress and the expected production progress by the end of the period.

Options that involve Gantt planning, quantity targets or the current production pace as the basis for expected production progress are useful in assessing future production progress. While going back in time--by setting a period that has already passed--can provide you with valuable retrospection.

Interface overview

Web app

Go to Production Floor > All Machines > Production Progress.

There are 6 controls for configuring this dashboard:

  1. The Settings menu is where you set the focus of this dashboard of how production progress is calculated, as well as arrange the display to your convenience. In the following sections we'll go over each type of calculation, while now we'll mention the various display arrangements offered in Settings:

    • Department view - groups machines to departments

    • Aggregated Progress Bar - the top value is how many units were produced by all machines together up to now, and the bottom value is the aggregated target for all machines up to now per the set period.

    • Maximize - maximizes the area the tiles take by removing controls and headings. Exit maximize mode by clicking the Settings control and toggling Maximize off.

    • Vertical/horizontal arrangement of tile cells determines if data are presented in rows or columns.

    • Performance color-coding legend which reflects the performance settings set for the system.

    • Scale of tiles

  2. The filter menu provides the following filtering options:

    • Choosing specific departments

    • Choosing specific machine groups

    • Choosing to display machines in specific machine statuses.

    • Choosing to display machines in specific alarm states

    • Choosing to display machines with performance that matches specific KPI values

    • Choosing to display machines with open service calls.

    • Choosing to display machines that are running jobs with specific job definitions

    • Choosing to display machines tagged with specific machine classifications

  3. The edit control activates the option of editing the machine tiles to remove or change information shown in the tiles.

  4. For the planned targets and quantity targets calculations, set the period that determines the targets the calculation uses.

  5. If you are basing production progress on quantity targets, you have the option of accessing the Quantity Targets management page by clicking this control.

Manager app

Tap the Progress tab*.

  1. Production progress relative to 100% plan/quantity/josh/job.

  2. Target total units.

  3. Target units for current point in time.

  4. Actual production at current point in time.


When expanding the department view, swipe right and left to view additional progress displays.

The following controls are available:

Collapse control
Expand control

Expand or collapse department view.

Set period control

(Applies to Plan and Set Quantity options only) The set period for production progress.

Settings control

Settings is where you set the focus of this dashboard of how production progress is calculated, and it also includes the performance color-coding legend that reflects the performance settings set for the system.

Task control

Create a new task.

Filter control

Apply filtering. The filter menu provides the following filtering options:

  • Choosing specific departments

  • Choosing specific machine groups

  • Choosing to display machines in specific machine statuses.

  • Choosing to display machines in specific alarm states

  • Choosing to display machines that are running jobs with specific job definitions

  • Choosing to display machines tagged with specific machine classifications

Export control

Export a screen capture of the current production progress view.

Calculated by options

Choose on what to base the calculations of production progress.

Online Data - Current josh

  • Josh good units: Actual number of good units from the start of the josh until this point in time.

  • Josh target relative to present time: The number of units that are expected to be produced for the time that has elapsed since the josh started (a.k.a. 'theoretical units'). The number of expected units at this point in time is based on the job's production rate (Cycle Time) set in the product's recipe and the machine's PE target (cycle time * machine PE target * time from josh start).

  • Total josh target: This metric is based on the value set for the current job's Units Target field. Since a job can extend through multiple shifts, this metric's value is adjusted accordingly. If the job's Units Target value is 1600 units, and the production rate is 100 units per hour, for an 8-hour shift the units target would be 800 (and the next shift's unit target would also be 800 to complete the job's Units Target of 1600 units).

Production progress is the result of dividing the number of actual produced good units by the number of expected units.
For example, in this machine, M-1, it's 9872/13200 = 74.79%

Online Data - Current ERP job

  • ERP job - good units: Actual number of good units from the start of the job until this point of time.

  • Relative to ERP job target at present time: The number of units that are expected to be produced for the time that has elapsed since the job started (a.k.a. 'theoretical units'). The number of expected units at this point in time is based on the job's production rate (Cycle Time) set in the product's recipe and the machine's PE target (cycle time * machine PE target * time from job start).

  • Total ERP job target: The value for Units Target set in the ERP job's definitions.

Production progress is the result of dividing the number of actual produced good units by the number of expected units.
For example, in this machine, M-3, it's 4942/7500= 65.89%

Online Data: Current shift - target units

The 100% metric is the target set for the machine for the current shift.

  • Shift - good units: Actual number of good units from the start of the current shift until this point of time.

  • Relative to shift target at present time: The number of units that were expected to be produced for the time that has elapsed since the shift started up to the current point in time. The number is based on a weighted aggregation of job production rate (Cycle Time) specified in the recipes of jobs run in this shift.

    For example, if 2 hours out of the shift have passed and 2 josh's were executed, the first job's active time duration was 1.5 hours and its Cycle Time 10 units per hour, and the second job has been active so far for 0.5 hour and that job's Cycle Time is 5 units per hour, the number of excepted units at this point for the shift is:

    (10 x 1.5) + (0.5 x 5) = 17.5 units.

  • Total shift target: The aggregated and weighted Units Target values for jobs expected to be run during this shift.

Production progress is the result of dividing the number of actual produced good units so far by the total shift target.
For example, in this machine, M-3, it's 16/149 = 10.70%

Online Data: Expected units at end of shift

  • Shift - good units: Actual number of good units from the start of the current shift until this point of time.

  • Expected units by end of shift per current performance: The expected number of units that can be produced by the end of the shift if you continue at the current average production rate.
    Note: the average production rate is based on actual performance throughout the shift, and not on production rates specified in the joshs.
    For example, the current average production rate is 10 units per hour, and so far 50 units have been produced in this shift, and there are another 3 hours to go until the shift ends, the number of units expected to be produced is:
    50 + (10 x 3) = 80 units.

  • Total shift target: The aggregated and weighted Units Target values for jobs expected to be run during this shift.

Production progress is the result of dividing the expected units by end of shift per current performance value by the expected total shift target. For example, in this machine, M-3, it's 23.86/149 = 16.01%.

Plan (Gantt or jobs' start & end dates): Planned targets per set period

The 100% metric are the planned units, which is the total of all Units Target values for all jobs to be executed within the period you select here. So make sure you've set the planning period as this determines the targets the calculation uses.

This option is useful for checking how the plan is working out, and for planning in general. It presents the production so far compared to the target units for the entire period per the plan (Gantt, or jobs' start & end dates). The production progress calculation takes into account the time that has already passed within the selected period.

  • Units produced: Actual number of good units from the start of the selected period until this point of time.

  • Relative to plan target for present time: The aggregated Units Target values listed in those jobs planned to be executed up to this point in time. See note in next bullet.

  • Planned target per set period: The aggregated Units Target values listed in those jobs planned to be executed within this period. (This planning information can be input manually, from external interfaces or from the Gantt.)

    NOTE: When a job's start time or end time extend to beyond (or before) your set period, the calculation is adjusted to reflect this by dividing the time of the job included in the set period by the job's total duration and multiplying the result by the job's Units Target value.

Production progress is the result of dividing the current number of actual produced good units by the number of planned units for this point of time. For example, in this machine, M-5, it's 1658/50000 = 3.31%

Plan (Gantt or jobs' start & end dates): Planned targets relative to present performance

The 100% metric are the planned units, which is the total of all Units Target values for all jobs to be executed within the period you select here. So make sure you've set the planning period as this determines the targets the calculation uses.

This option is useful for checking how the plan is working out, and for planning in general. It presents the production so far compared to the expected target units for this point in time per the plan (Gantt, or jobs' start & end dates). The production progress calculation takes into account the time that has already passed within the selected period.

  • Units produced: Actual number of good units from the start of the selected period until this point of time.

  • Relative to plan target for present time: The aggregated Units Target values listed in those jobs planned to be executed up to this point in time. See note in next bullet.

  • Planned target per set period: The calculation divides the number of good units by the number of expected units for each job.

    NOTE: When the chosen period has already passed in its entirety, the number of expected units will be identical to the number of planned units.

Production progress is the percentage of good units produced throughout this period using the expected units value as the base criterion.
For example, in this machine, M-5, it's 1658/1700 = 97.53%

Set Quantity: Quantity target per set period

This is the production so far compared to the target quantities for the entire selected


NOTE: Make sure you've set the relevant period as this determines which quantity targets the calculation uses.

  • Units produced: Actual number of good units from the start of the selected period until this point of time.

  • Relative to quantity target for present time: The quantity target for this current point in time, relative to the entire quantity target for the set period.

  • Quantity target: The quantity target for the entire selected period.

Production progress is the percentage of good units produced so far relative to the target quantities for the entire selected period.
For example, in this machine, M-6, it's 1658/10000 = 16.58%

Set Quantity: Current performance relative to quantity target

This is the production so far compared to the expected target units for this point in time, per the set quantity targets.

NOTE: Make sure you've set the relevant period as this determines which quantity targets the calculation uses.

  • Units produced: Actual number of good units from the start of the selected period until this point of time.

  • Relative to quantity target for present time: The quantity target for this current point in time, relative to the entire quantity target for the set period.

  • Quantity target: The quantity target set for the entire selected period.

Production progress is the percentage of good units produced throughout this period relative to the quantity of planned units that should have been produced up to this point in time.

For example, in this machine, M-6, it's 1658/3400 = 48.76%

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