Machine Statuses

Icons and colors that convey the current status of a machine

Danna avatar
Written by Danna
Updated over a week ago

The machine status icon communicates key information relating to the machine state moment-to-moment. Think of it as a process 'health monitor'. The machine status icon conveys:

  • Machine working or not working

  • Process deviations for any parameter that is monitored by Matics (cycle time, units per minute, kWh/minute, etc.)

  • Progress of setup

  • Network connectivity errors (Wi-Fi, etc.)

Icon / color code


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Working OK:

Machine is working
Process parameters are within their respective tolerance ranges (as specified in the job recipe)

Setup - Working:

Job is in Setup
Machine is working
Parameter deviations are NOT taken into account.

End setup on time!

Parameter Deviation: Machine is working
At least one monitored process parameters is outside the tolerance range.

Identify the problem - look for the alarm in the Shift Log.

If the parameter graph is shown on the Dashboard, click it to see more details.

Change the setpoint or recipe tolerances in the Job Recipe. (Access to Matics Web platform is necessary).

Stopped: Matics has detected that the machine is stopped.

Report the cause for the stop (stop reason)

Setup - Stopped: Job is in setup while the machine is stopped

End setup on time! If setup is not the cause, report another cause.

Communication Failure: Machine activity is not being monitored by Matics.

Contact Matics Support for help to bring the system back online.

Stop - Idle: Machine is idling. The time counts as Idle Time and does not lower P.E.

Learn how Matics can automatically recognize Idle Time.

No Production: Machine is not in production due to breakdown, lack of orders or another reason.

Time can count toward downtime or idle time, depending on your settings. Customize these production settings.

Working in No Production: Machine was or is working while it is in "No Production" status.

Start a work order or change to production status.

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