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Gantt Orientation

General overview and explanations of how to use the Gantt (called New Gantt up to 2024)

Updated over 10 months ago

Benefits of using Matics Gantt

Matics Gantt is a tool for manual planning and scheduling. Manual planning is when you have the list of jobs and use the Gantt tool to assign the jobs to machines and determine the running order. Scheduling is either modifying the manual planning, or after importing the initial plan from an external ERP tool, making adjustments to the plan.

Matics Gantt provides dynamic planning and scheduling capabilities, as real-time data from the production floor ensures the Gantt chart reflects the actual production progress and changes such as delays, or an accelerated production rate will adjust the timing of currently running jobs and their following jobs in the job queue.

Jobs running on-time, jobs running late, planned and ad-hoc events/production statuses are all easily indicated in a classic Gantt chart format, and are easily managed from a single location.

Matics Gantt supports multiple-scenario planning simulations: planners can check how the work plan would be impacted if jobs are added (or removed), and use different risk models for calculating pending jobs' duration. These risk models are based on aggregated data of past production performance to provide realistic planning metrics, which are applied automatically to planned job durations. Not many solutions can harness past performance-intelligence to future planning.

Planners can transfer jobs between machines, add events and much more. When satisfied with the various planning changes, planners can release these changes to the production floor. Operators will then have these updates reflected in the machines' actionable jobs.

Interface orientation

Panels, menus & controls

Gantt interface with numeric pointers corresponding to descriptions below
  1. Scope the data displayed within the Gantt area.

    1. Scope the period of jobs presented in the Gantt

      • All jobs

      • Tomorrow's jobs

      • Next week's jobs

      • Next month's jobs

      • Jobs for a specific date range
        Only jobs that start within the scoped period are included.

    2. Set what time frame the Gantt uses

      • Year

      • Quarter

      • Month

      • Week

      • Day

      • Hour

    3. Use the Next or Back arrows to scroll within the selected time frame

    4. Use the zoom in (+), zoom out (-) and fit controls for gaining different perspectives and resolutions of the Gantt's data.
      TIP: The fit control will fit all the jobs planned in a single view, and to do so it will adjust the time frame accordingly. For example, if you have jobs planned for the next 5 months, the time frame will adjust to quarters, if you have planned for the next 11 months the time frame will adjust to year.

  2. The Gantt will load itself with the last load settings used. Initially the Gantt is empty. To reload with other settings, see Loading the Gantt, below.

  3. Assign jobs - the control will display the job assignment list on top of the Gantt. Clicking the control again closes the list. Read about Managing unassigned jobs below.

  4. Save Production Plan populates all the Gantt jobs' Planned Start Time and Planned End Time fields with the current plan.
    NOTE: This control won't apply the planning to jobs of those departments which don't have the applicable setting enabled. That is, the control will be available when the Gantt includes a mixture of departments (departments which have the setting enabled and departments which have this setting disabled), but whether or not the job is populated with the Gantt plan depends on what was configured for the department.

  5. Toolbar that includes the following options:

    • Gantt settings menu.

    • Export the Gantt to spreadsheet format.

    • Filters. Filtering applies to the currently loaded Gantt. Refine your filtering by first scoping the relevant period (1.a. above).
      If your scope is All jobs (no refining), and the time frame view is Week, you'll see all jobs grouped by week.

    • Search. The search applies to the currently loaded Gantt. Refining the search is done by first scoping the period relevant for the search (1.a. above). Search results are highlighted, with the number of matching results indicated. Use the arrows to browse through the results.

    • Actions (bulk actions and releasing the production plan). See Bulk actions, below.

  6. Indicator of current time is both the shading in red of the current time slot and a dotted line that slices the Gantt at that point of time.

  7. Column selector. See the last step in General customization of the Gantt for more information.

  8. Gantt chart area.

    1. Blue stripe indicates until when the machine has jobs scheduled.

    2. An example of a summary stripe. Summary stripes consolidate to a single row all the machine's scheduled jobs with their current status. (Requires enabling this in the View options.)

  9. Machine actions menu:

  10. Job actions menu with options that depend on job's context (a running job has less options than a job that hasn't started yet):

Adjusting the visible area

You can customize the planning interface to show some parts and hide others as shown here:

Stretching, contracting, hiding and showing parts of the Gantt interface

Loading the Gantt

  1. Click Load setting.

  2. Group the machines by either departments or machine groups (by default the grouping is by department).

  3. Select which departments/machine groups to include in the Gantt.
    Expand the applied grouping (department or machine group) to fine tune the selection to specific machines

  4. Determine the standard on which job duration calculations for pending jobs are based:

    • Standard rate - use the standard production rate set in the job (which is the Cycle Time (Sec.), Set Point value in the job's recipe).

    • The best performance - use the best performance so far for the same machine when producing the same product, and if applicable, when using the same mold.

    • The worst performance - use the worst performance so far for the same machine when producing the same product, and if applicable, when using the same mold.

    • The avg performance - the average performance so far for the same machine when producing the same product, and if applicable, when using the same mold.

    • By efficiency percentage - set a custom efficiency percentage you want to use for planning.

  5. Decide whether the Gantt should Show only released jobs - if active, jobs in status 2 - jobs that are not released yet, will not be shown in the Gantt.

  6. Click Load.


When loading the Gantt, the current job's duration is based on the machine's actual cycle time, while the pending jobs load with job durations based on any of the standards you chose (step #3 above).

These different options for calculating pending jobs' duration offer you different risk models to use.


You can simulate the planning outcomes by loading the Gantt each time with different performance settings to see what would work best.

General customization of the Gantt

Customizing the Gantt chart is optional, but can facilitate planning.

  1. Click Gantt settings.

  2. In the Settings dialog:

    • Expand the Job colors section to customize the colors used for indicating the job status.

      • You can customize the default colors using the color picker.

      • You can base the Gantt and its colors on job definitions, see this article for more information.

      • You can apply mold colors. If basing the Gantt on mold colors, jobs are randomly colored, with those jobs that use the same mold in the same color for easy detection of concurrent or subsequent use of molds.

      • You can apply product group colors.

    • Expand the Setup Colors section to customize the color used for indicating setup.

      • Custom color - the Gantt will use a single color (which you can customize) to indicate setup time.

      • Setup type colors - if setup types and colors were configured for the machine type, you can differentiate setup time using those colors.

    • Expand the Tooltip section to determine what information will populate the tooltips that are shown when hovering over the job in the Gantt.

      • Default will populate the system's default Gantt tooltip setting.

      • By Columns will populate information per the fields you selected when configuring Columns (see first bullet in this step).

    • Expand the Label job on Gantt with.. section to label the job stripes in the Gantt chart area with an identifier that is useful for you (Product Name, Product Catalog ID, ERP Job ID, or the Matics Job ID).

    • Expand the Label job in Jobs list with.. section to choose what you'll use to identify the jobs in the Jobs list that's to the left of the chart area (Job ID, ERP Job ID, Product Name, Mold Name and more).

    • Expand the View options section to add summary stripes to the Gantt's display. Summary stripes consolidate to a single row all the machine's scheduled jobs with their current status. This is useful for detecting planning gaps. See an example stripe in the interface orientation above (item 8b).

    • Click the color box in the Calendar events color section to customize the color used for indicating calendar events.

    • By default Gantt data are refreshed every 5 minutes, but you can change this by entering a different value in the Refresh every [ ] minutes field.

  3. (optional) Click the add columns control (item 7 in the interface orientation above) to open the Gantt column selector.

    This is for adding contextual information to the left of the Gantt chart, for the currently running job.

    1. Select the check box of the column to add.
      (Clear the check box to if you don't want that column's data to be presented.)

    2. Set the order of the selected columns by dragging them to their correct position in the Gantt column selector list.


When channel parameters are added to the columns list (the Gantt column selector), you'll see in square brackets to which channel and split the channel data applies. For example Material ID [2 , 1] shows the Material ID data for channel 2, split 1.


One of the columns in the Gantt column selector is Machine constraints. When the job has machine constraints, the machines it's constrained to are listed in this column. If there are updates to the product's machine constraints after the job was assigned to the machine, the system will flag with a red fill color that there are conflicting machine constraints.

Adding column information to tooltips

  1. In the Gantt's Settings, select By columns.

    Gantt setting menu Tooltip section
  2. In the Gantt column selector any column selected its information will now be included in the tooltip displayed when you hover-over the job in the chart.

    Hover-over tooltip example

Actual setup time: impact and monitoring

The standard set for setup time is usually different from the actual setup time. This needs to be reflected in the Gantt. You have a number of ways to see these data.


In the Gantt column selector, selecting Actual setup duration will add this column to the left of the chart. And you can add the Standard setup duration column near it to compare between them easily.

Gantt column selector with setup duration selected


The difference between Duration left and Time left (hours) in the Gantt column selector is that the former includes actual setup time and calendar events, while the latter doesn't consider setup time and calendar events.

Chart area

Hovering over the Setup part of the job's Gantt stripe will provide the gap of how the standard setup duration compares to the actual setup duration in a tooltip:

Hover-over example of how the gap between the setup standard and the actual setup looks like

The information presented in a tooltip needs to be configured (customized), so to get this specific setup-related hover-over information:

  1. In the Gantt's Settings, select By columns.

  2. In the Gantt column selector, Actual setup duration and Standard setup duration need to be selected.

Adding calendar events through the Gantt

  1. Click the machine's action menu and choose Add calendar event.

  2. In the Create new event - (machine name) dialog, fill in the planned event's properties and click Save.

  3. The jobs duration will adjust automatically per the duration of the event, and if you specified in the event dialog that a specific production status at the event's end should be activated, the machine will transition to that status, which might impact the job duration as well.
    Calendar events are indicated with a pale red background color.

Removing a calendar event using the Gantt

  1. Click the calendar event in the Gantt.

  2. In the calendar event's dialog, click the actions menu on the right.

  3. Choose Delete.

  4. In the Delete Calendar Event dialog, select the applicable Delete Option:

    • The event and its recurrence in this calendar

    • The and its recurrence in all calendars

    • The event itself

  5. Click Finish.

  6. Close the Delete Calendar Event dialog. The calendar event will no longer be in the refreshed Gantt.

Changing individual jobs

You can make changes to planned jobs by clicking the job's menu and using any of its options, which are described in the following sections. The available options depend on whether the job is running or not.

Job menu options

Additional settings

In the Additional settings dialog you can set or change any of the following job settings:

  • Job definition - assign a job definition to the job.

  • Setup type - change the type of setup.

  • Setup duration - change the duration of the setup.

  • Closing date - an optional generic date field for time stamping a job per your planning requirements (for example, the date the job's manufactured products have to be ready for delivery). This can provide you with additional time frame information and you can check whether planning meets or doesn't meet the date set in this field.

  • End time request - an optional generic date field for time stamping a job per your planning requirements (for example, the date by which the job has to end). This can provide you with additional time frame information and you can check whether planning meets or doesn't meet the date set in this field.

  • The job will not start before - if needed, create a starting point limitation for the job, so that it can't start before that time (but can start any time after that). This may impact the job queue.

  • Planning date of approval - an optional generic date field for time stamping a job per your planning requirements. This can provide you with additional time frame information and you can check whether planning meets or doesn't meet the date set in this field.

  • Units target - change the value for the job's units target.

  • Save - apply your changes to the job.

Suspend job(s)

Use this option to suspend running jobs. Depending on the quantity produced, the job will either transition to status 11 - Suspended in which it can be reactivated, or to status 20 - Completed.

Cancel / Terminate job

If the job hasn't started (status 3) you can cancel it, while if the job was started and then suspended (status 11) you'll use the terminate option. Terminating a job ends the job, even though the units target wasn't met.

Open job page

Opens the job's page, which provides all the job's settings and actions that are available for the job. If the job is already running (active), you can suspend it from the job's page and much more.

Unassign Machine

Unassigning machines from jobs will revert the job’s status to 01 and move the job to the unassigned jobs list. Click Save changes to apply the Unassign action.

This option is available for jobs in status 02 or 03, jobs that haven't been run yet.

You cannot unassign a machine when the job is running (status 10), or when the job has been suspended (status 11).

Add dependency

Set dependencies between jobs running on different machines. For example that one job cannot begin until another job ends, or that other jobs cannot begin until a specific job starts. Through the dependencies dialog you can also manage the job's existing dependencies.


Each job has a default dependency with the job that's sequenced to run after it in that machine's job queue. This default is shown just for information. Change this default dependency by changing the jobs order in the Gantt's Jobs list.

Applying actions to multiple jobs for efficiency

Actions menu bulk actions

  1. Click the actions menu.

  2. Filter the jobs per the action you want to apply:

    • Release presents only unreleased (status 2) with approved recipes that haven't been released.

    • Approve presents only unreleased jobs (status 2) with unapproved recipes.

    • Remove from production presents only active jobs approved for production (status 3) and suspended jobs (status 11).

    • Terminate or cancel presents unreleased jobs, both with approved recipes and unapproved recipes, as well as active jobs approved for production and suspended jobs (statuses 2, 3, 11).

    • Unassign machines presents jobs that are assigned to machines.

  3. Select the jobs in the job list to which you want to apply the action.
    (Clicking a selected item again clears the selection.)

  4. Click the action control at the bottom to confirm the action.

    • Release jobs changes the job status from a job that's not released yet (status 2) to a job approved for production (status 3).

    • Approve jobs when the job approval process for your site includes a step in which the recipe has to be approved before the job is released, this will change the job state to approved.

    • Remove from production changes the job status from a job approved for production (status 3) to a job not yet approved (status 2), which means the job will be removed from the machine's pending jobs queue.

    • Terminate or cancel suspended jobs (status 11) will be terminated, pending jobs (status 3) will be cancelled.

    • Unassign machines clears the job's assignment from the machine, changes its status to 01 and moves the job to the Assign jobs list.

  5. In the action confirmation prompt click Save changes to apply the action.
    The action is applied and the Gantt is immediately updated.


You can select multiple jobs (that are not necessarily consecutive) by using the Shift and CTRL keys on your keyboard. This is useful for moving multiple jobs to a different position or machine in the Jobs list and for assigning multiple jobs to the same machine from the Assign jobs table.

Rearranging a machine's job queue

  1. Expand the machine node to display its jobs.

  2. Click & drag the job to the desired position in the list.
    Use the CTRL key (or Shift key) to select multiple jobs after clicking to select the first job.

  3. Click Save changes.

Managing unassigned jobs

Matics recommendations

From Matics v3.2, unassigned jobs are supplemented with the recommendations feature. Jobs marked with the Matics recommendation icon are jobs in which there's a system recommendation based on averaging past production performance for that product.

Matics recommendations icon

Any machine, or the required combination of any machine + the product's specified mold, which has been used for producing the product will be presented in the recommendations table. Each recommendation will be ranked ordinally based on the calculated average performance efficiency per cycle and color coded (green shading indicating the best ranking, red shading indicating the worst ranking and all those in between without shading). The actual value for the ranking calculation is presented too in the table, so you can compare and see exactly what the difference is between each recommendation and make informed decisions.

For example, in the snapshot below the best combination of machine + mold is 0.83, but if for some reason machine L1 or mold T1 cannot be used, the next recommendations ranking 2 and 3, are 0.16 and 0.11 respectively, and since the difference between these two isn't that significant there may be factors that tilt the decision towards choosing L3 for running the job.


Recommendations are based on data aggregated from version 3.2 onward. Therefore, initially you may not have any recommendations, but they will be added with time.

Assigning unassigned jobs


The Assign jobs table is usually used for assigning the machine the job will run on. But you can also easily access the job's form from this table for seeing more details about the unassigned job, and if needed, change there the units target.

  1. Click Assign Jobs (top-right). A table lists all unscheduled jobs (jobs in status 01) for the current loaded scope of the Gantt in the right panel. These are jobs that do not have a machine assigned yet.

  2. Set your work area:

    • If you find it more convenient working within a single screen, you can filter the columns to present only information that's relevant to you for managing these unscheduled jobs. You can also change the column order and extend the table.

    • If you find it more convenient to work in extended desktop mode with multiple monitors, that is, having the Gantt on one monitor and the unassigned jobs table on a separate page in the other monitor, click the open-in-new-tab control.

      Open in new tab control
  3. Assign the job by using any of the following methods:

    • Jobs marked with the Matics recommendation icon are jobs in which there's a system recommendation based on past performance for producing that product. Click the recommendations control to open the recommendation dialog.

      Matics recommendations indicator

      Select the radio button of the item that best meets your requirements and click Assign job. The assigned job is added to the end of that machine's pending jobs queue.

    • Make sure to read the helpful info hints when assigning unassigned jobs.

      They indicate on which machines the entity you've chosen (product group, mold, or job) will be in use, so you can design the most efficient plan.
      For example:

    • Click the job row and drag it to the target machine's jobs list.
      Use the CTRL key (or Shift key) to select multiple jobs.

    • If you're using the new tab option, in the Machine column you can use the recommendation option, or select the machine from the list.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Edit mode

When rearranging the Jobs list or when assigning jobs by dragging & dropping from the Assign jobs table, the Gantt automatically enters edit mode.


In edit mode you can undo actions. Aligned with the common standard of undo actions, each click of the Undo control will undo the last action done. So if I first moved job A to the top of the Jobs list and then moved job B to be directly after it, but changed my mind and clicked Undo, job B will return to its original position in the Jobs list. Clicking Undo again will return job A to its original position.

Undo control active

Freezing auto-refresh

To prevent loss of changes while working on a plan, auto refreshing of data is stopped while edit mode is active.

So even if you undid all your actions and have no changes to save, the Gantt will remain in edit mode until you click Discard and reload the Gantt with current data.

Undo control inactive and the discard control is active

Keep in mind that planning is impacted by...

Non-production statuses

If a machine enters non-production status, the job can't run. Since it's usually unknown when the non-production status will end, the system checks the status every 5 minutes and moves the jobs five minutes forward each time for adjusting the jobs' span to the production floor reality.

Calendar events

The calendar event's time is added to the job's planned duration, or if the job's already running it'll add that time and extend the job's duration by the duration of the calendar event.

No setup allowed

When setting up the system, a department's shifts can be customized to mark any time during the shift that's allocated to setup to be locked and unusable (Setup > Shifts Calendars > select the shift from the shift calendar and there either select or clear the Setup check box. If it's cleared you get the 'No setup allowed' state). For example, if a night shift doesn't have staff that do setup for the next job, when the previous job ends the next job's setup time will be marked as a 'non setup shift', and you won't be able to adjust that segment in the Gantt chart.

Fixed Start Time Target

Setting a Fixed Start Time Target can create a time gap that will impact the job queue since all following jobs will move accordingly. The job configured with this setting can only start after the set fixed start time, and this may delay the planned start of subsequent jobs. The underlying logic is that a job queue is based on production optimization and a myriad of dependencies, so randomly starting another job if there's a time gap, won't necessarily work. Notwithstanding, it's possible to manually rearrange jobs at the machine level on the fly.

Related articles

Changing Production Status (in the context of the Operator app, but still includes useful information)

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