Users with special permissions can set the default view of catalogs, tables and reports for other users.
This feature is useful for onboarding new users and helping others learn the system.
Granting this permission
Go to the list of system users: Setup > Site Configuration > index #4 (Step 4 - Define Users & Groups).
In the Step4 page, click the index number of the user group to which you are going to grant this permission. This will open that group's page.
Click the Tabs & Action Permissions tab.
In the Screen box choose "SystemReport" and click Search.
There are two authorization types:
- "CopyStructureToUser" will grant permission to set the default view for other individual users.
- "CopyStructureToGroup" will grant permission to set the default view for user groups.
Set for each authorization type the authorization level (only from these two):
- "No Access"
- "Read/Write"Click Save Changes.
You will be granting this permission to the entire group. Any user belonging to the group will have this permission.