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Custom KPIs
Updated over a year ago

What are custom KPIs for?

If you want to create additional key performance indicators (KPIs) that are not standard OEE KPIs, or if you want to customize a standard KPI to fine-tune measurements, custom KPIs are the answer.

You can create a dream dashboard that visualizes in easy-to-follow infographics all your custom KPIs measurements.

KPIs in this dashboard can be factory-level KPIs that apply to all machines, and department-level KPIs for specific departments.

You can filter each KPI's measurement scope to apply it to specific workers (only joshes that certain workers worked on as individuals or as part of a team will be included), molds, mold groups, products, product groups, job definitions, shifts and customers.

The Custom KPI dashboard is shown on the Matics Manager App as well, which enables managers to see at a glance where things are standing.

Note: The base raw data the custom KPI formula runs on is the job-per-shift table, i.e. on all the josh data. In the custom KPI's settings, you can filter this data as mentioned above.

Walkthrough clip

Clip subtitles (closed captioning) available in English, Hebrew and Spanish.

How to configure a custom KPI

Wizard steps

  1. Go to the Custom KPI dashboard page, which can be accessed from any of the following:

    • Targets Management > Custom KPIs

    • Production Floor > Factory View > Custom KPIs

    • Production Floor > All Machines > Custom KPIs

  2. Click Create new KPI.

  3. In the first page of the wizard (step 1):

    1. Click the edit control to replace the New KPI placeholder text with a descriptive title for this KPI. Indicate the scope and purpose of the KPI in its name when creating the dedicated dashboard component so that all can easily understand what the visualized measurements show.

    2. Click Add your first formula element. This is the first step of creating the KPI's formula for calculations. Refer to KPI formulas (next section) for guidelines on how to build the formula you need.

    3. After you've completed building the KPI's formula, click Next.

  4. In the second page of the wizard (step 2):

    1. Select the type of infographic for this KPI. You can choose between a gauge display, line graph display and value display.

    2. Select to which level this KPI applies: factory level ('All Machines') or department level. If the latter, select the specific department from the list.
      Tip: if this KPI applies to multiple departments, you can choose the factory level and then filter the scope.

    3. Click Filters Settings. You have the option of applying numerous filters. This will reduce the scope of data the formula runs on. The filters are organized by categories: machine filters, job definition filters, workers (only joshes that certain workers worked on as individuals or part of a team will be included) and so on and so forth. When you've finished setting all the required filters, click Done.

    4. Click Next.

  5. In the third page of the wizard (step 3):

    1. If the selected display type is gauge, you can choose whether it's a single gradient gauge, or if it's divided to three performance ranges per the system settings.

    2. Set the Decimal Resolution. Keeping the default of zero will present in the display integers after standard rounding. If you need more precision, you can choose to display up to 2 digits after the decimal point.

    3. Defining targets per the different periods of time (shift, day, week or month) is optional, yet without setting these targets there’s no context for the infographic to position the calculated value. This can result in a diminished infographic, for example the gauge just showing the needle without the arc as shown here on the right:

      example that compares regular infographic with its diminished version
    4. Click Next.

  6. In the fourth and final page of the wizard (step 4):

    1. Active KPI: When active, this toggle is purple. You can deactivate a custom KPI / keep it in draft status by clicking the toggle to change it to inactive state (gray).
      NOTE: Only active KPIs are shown on the Manager App.

    2. Primary KPI means this active KPI will be the one representing the category in the dashboard. Click to select the primary toggle. When active, this toggle is purple.
      In the following example, the category is the Injection department, which includes 8 custom KPIs, and the primary KPI is called Avg. duration.

    3. Look at the Preview KPI tile on the right to see how this KPI will look on the dashboard.

    4. If needed, edit any of the KPIs parts: name, formula, filters, and type of display.

    5. Click Apply to apply your settings and add this KPI to the dashboard.
      (Deactivated KPIs are added to the dashboard with no calculated values and all grayed out. And, as mentioned in (a) they won't be visible at all in the Manager App.)

KPI formulas

What your custom KPI measures depends on the formula you build. To create the KPI's formula, use the available formula elements.

Formula elements are divided to three main categories as follows:

  • Functions (SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX)

  • Calculator

    • Digits (0 to 9)

    • Operators (four mathematical operators and the decimal point)

    • Parentheses and brackets for order of operations

  • Parameters (parameters included in all joshes)

General guidelines

  • The first formula element must be either a function or a digit.

  • Operators always follow numbers.

  • The elements available for use change per the current context.

  • The Save control is available once the system detects that the formula structure has computational logic.

Post-configuration dashboard actions

  • Set the period for the dashboard data.

  • If you have multiple KPIs in a category, and you want to show them all, expand the category. Next time you open the dashboard it will open to the way you had last set it up: categories that were expanded will be expanded, and categories that were collapsed with only the primary KPI showing will remain collapsed.

  • If you want to change the order of the KPI tiles, drag and drop the tile to the desired location. Inactive dashboards will always remain at the end of the category.

  • Use the actions menu in the KPI tile to manage it: you can delete the KPI, edit it, duplicate it to use it as the basis of a similar KPI, or set it as the primary KPI.
    In this tile there's also the active/inactive toggle, which makes it easy to change the KPI's availability status (inactive KPIs are not visible in the Manager App).

Icon legend

Adds another element to the formula.
For example, to create a formula for hourly production rate, click this icon after the first formula element, which is based on minutes: Sum([TotalUnitsProduced]/[ActiveTime]

before dividing by 60 for hourly output:


Inactive toggle
Active toggle

Active / inactive toggle

Primary toggle. When the KPI is set as primary the toggle is purple.

Filter settings control

Filters settings control. Click to present all the data filters settings.

Actions menu

Select period control

Select period for KPI dashboard data


Custom KPI shows no calculated value/no infographic

If the custom KPI is active and shows no infographic and no calculated value, it might indicate that there was no data to run the formula's calculation on. Check that your filtering criteria are correct.

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